Monday, 15 October 2012

Pursuing Dreams


This past weekend my friend and I went to the Mount Tamborine craft markets with our Sweet Tweat stall. It was an early start to get up the mountain by 6:30, but it was, as always, a beautiful drive. This was our second try at having a market stall. We have tried to find a market that would fit our handmade goods. The craft markets today were all hand-made or home-grown stalls, so we thought it might be a good place to try.

If I’m honest, I don’t think we really did any better than at the previous markets we went to (which were a lot closer to home). We were encouraged by another stall - holder to keep coming, as often you don’t sell much on your first stall appearance. It can take a while for people to get to know what you sell and start to think about your products and come back to get them.

It can be a bit discouraging to leave a market having only sold two items, and its hard to feel like you’re putting a part of you on display for the public to see and feel rejected in a sense. But. We will keep going. We are going to try a different market next Saturday. It’s a bit closer, it’s a bit bigger and hopefully we will be able to sell some more of our things. We want to sell our current stock so we can start making some Christmas things for the markets. So, heres hoping. Heres to pursuing creative adventures, dreams both big and small. 

Hope your weekend was wonderful.

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